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Sweetheart Engine
Sweetheart Engine
Engine with
Heart Shaped
Designs in Flywheels
Three eninges in my family
for over 45 years
Technikum Mittweid
Technikum Mittweid
1/2 hp Technikum Mittweid
1 3/4 hp United
Mfg in
Lansing, Michigan
7 hp Jumbo
Mfg by
Nelson Brothers
Ypsi Model
Ypsi Model
Ypsi Model
High School Project
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Stickney Model
Stickney Model
Reid Model
Reid Model
Photos coming soon
Reid Model
1/4 Scale of a 6 hp
Marine Engines
Caille Liberty Drive Marine Engine
Caille Liberty Drive Marine Engine
***Wanted ***
I am always looking for unusual
antique gas engines
to add to my collection.
I will puchase one or a whole collection
Please give me a call.
I also will give finders fees.
Ed 734-755-3609
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